About TheresaI've wanted to be a minister since I was four years old. How grateful I am that dreams do come true! I love Unitarian Universalism for all the ways it makes more justice and more beauty in the world.
Of course, it's not a perfect movement, but it turns out that neither the movement nor its people have to be perfect to be awesome. |

Visiting Curra's in Austin, Texas before the DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries) yearly gathering. Te quiero mucho means, "I love you very much".
[Theresa leaning against a blue brick wall, painted so that a person can stand in front of a tall pair of angel wings. They are smiling.]
Academics and work |
\I've been a teacher and a lawyer. Now, I am a minister. Sometimes people ask me how these three things fit together. Each of these has been a way for me to engage with people, with transformation, and with the goal of making the world a better place.